About Us
Bringelly is a small, locally-owned company with a nationwide reach. We specialise in providing services to support small businesses and community groups across the UK using our property and project management expertise. Our experience enables organisations to navigate the complexities of land-acquisition, the planning system, community engagement and financial sector to achieve their goals.
We are now an RICS Registered Firm, which allows us to indicate to our customers that we provide our services to globally-recognised ethical and professional standards.
We also offer support in business case planning, grant-making and bringing together professional teams to help with new property development and on-going investment. We do this in rural North Yorkshire and in the urban environment in and around London.
Emma Gittus
Emma is a Director of Bringelly and brings significant experience as a Development Project Manager working across the UK with a specialism in housing development. She has worked for housing associations, local authorities, Arm’s Length Management Organisations, acted for developers (commercial, retail and mixed use schemes) and contractors. Emma specialises in helping clients secure planning permission and she focuses on activities including land negotiations, community engagement, advocacy and promotion of proposed homes, fundraising (grants, loans etc.,) involved in this process. Her key strength is linking the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Jill Gittus
Jill is a Director of Bringelly and a Chartered Surveyor. She brings over 10 years’ experience in the commercial and residential property sector, working across the North of England. With a background in general practice surveying, Jill has significant experience purchasing assets and managing the valuation and disposal of real estate assets. This experience has resulted in a unique skill set which has been applied to advising commercial and residential sector clients on management, valuation, disposal and acquisition, planning and development, viability and funding. Jill is also an AssocRICS assessor.
Bringelly works with other project professionals to support clients across the UK. We like working collaboratively with others to provide a high-quality service to housing providers.